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  • 30 Creative Ways to Market and Sell Your Property, Besides The MLS!

30 Creative Ways to Market and Sell Your Property, Besides The MLS!

[Homeowners Corner]

Here are 30 ways to market and sell your property, besides the MLS!

1. Facebook Local Groups: Join local Facebook groups in your area and create a detailed post showcasing your property.

2. Craigslist Listing: Post your property on Craigslist with eye-catching photos and a compelling description.

3. Homeowners Association: Contact your homeowners association and inquire about including your property in their community news or email updates.

4. Door Hangers: Create attractive door hangers and personally distribute them in the neighborhood where your property is located.

5. Local Event Sponsorship: Sponsor a local event, such as a charity run or community fair, and prominently feature your property for sale.

6. Community Bulletin Boards: Utilize community bulletin boards, such as those at local grocery stores or libraries, to post information about your property.

7. Neighborhood Mailers: Send direct mail postcards or flyers to homes in your property's neighborhood.

8. Real Estate Investment Clubs: Attend local real estate investment clubs and network with potential buyers and investors.

9. Local Business Partnerships: Partner with local businesses, like restaurants or coffee shops, to display information about your property on their premises.

10. Yard Signs with QR Codes: Place yard signs with QR codes that lead potential buyers to a dedicated property website.


Real Estate Marketing Campaign, Sell Your Property

How It Works:

  1. Tell Us About Your Home: Provide us with essential details about your property to kickstart the marketing campaign.

  2. Add Your Contact Info: We'll ensure potential buyers can easily reach out to you for inquiries.

  3. Respond Directly to Buyers: Seamlessly engage with interested buyers, streamlining the sales process.

What's Included in Every Marketing Campaign:

📧 E-Mail Marketing Blast

📱 Social Media Ad

🏠 Property Listing on Key Platforms

🚀 Branded Marketing Flyer

🌐 Property Advertised in Investor Facebook Groups

11. Home Staging Workshops: Host home staging workshops to show potential buyers the property's potential.

12. Video Tours: Create professional video tours of your property and share them on YouTube and social media.

13. Local Podcast Appearances: Appear on local podcasts to discuss your property and real estate trends in your area.

14. Real Estate Webinars: Host online webinars to educate potential buyers on the home-buying process and feature your property.

15. School Newsletters: If your property is family-friendly, ask local schools to include it in their newsletters or on bulletin boards.

16. Virtual Reality (VR) Tours: Offer VR property tours for an immersive experience for potential buyers.

17. Local Chamber of Commerce: Join your local Chamber of Commerce and network with business owners who may know prospective buyers.

18. Geotargeted Online Ads: Use geotargeted online advertising to reach potential buyers in specific neighborhoods.

19. Local Real Estate Forums: Participate in local real estate forums and share details about your property.

20. Local Newspaper Feature: Contact your local newspaper and inquire about featuring your property in a real estate section.

21. Local TV Appearances: Appear on local TV shows or news segments to discuss the property and real estate market.

22. Email Marketing Campaigns: Build an email list and send regular property updates to potential buyers and local agents.

23. Neighbor Referrals: Ask neighbors if they know anyone interested in moving to the area and offer referral incentives.

24. Local Artisan Markets: Set up a booth at local artisan markets and distribute property brochures.

25. Mobile Home Showings: Arrange mobile home showings where you bring potential buyers directly to your property.

26. Public Transportation Ads: Advertise your property on public transportation, like buses or subway cars.

27. Virtual Home Staging: Use virtual staging to showcase different furnishing styles in marketing materials.

28. Drone Flyovers: Capture stunning aerial footage with drone flyovers of your property and surroundings.

29. Targeted Local Magazines: Advertise in targeted local magazines or lifestyle publications.

30. Local School Websites: If your property is close to a school, ask if you can advertise it on the school's website.

Remember that combining several of these strategies can amplify your property's visibility and attract a wider range of potential buyers. Adapt these ideas to your specific property and target audience to maximize your marketing efforts. Happy selling!